Saturday 8 September 2012

Father of various sector

Father Of Economics -:- Adam Smith(1723-1790), England

Father Of Greek Tragedy -:- Aeschylus

The Father Of Computer Science -:- Alan Turing

The Father Of Penicillin -:- Alexander Fleming

Father Of The Telephone -:- Alexander Graham Bell.

The Father Of Anatomy -:- Andreas Vesalius

Father Of The (Soviet) Hydrogen Bomb: -:- Andrei D. Sakharov

Father Of Mathematics -:- Archimedes

Father Of Comedy -:- Aristophanes(445-385 B.C.) Greece

Father Of Indian Unrest -:- Bal Gangadhar Tilak: Lokmanya; 

Father Of Computers -:- Charles Babbage

Father Of Rock N' Roll -:- Chuck Berry

Father Of Indian Politics And Economics -:- Dadabhai Naoroji

Father Of Indian Cinema -:- Dadasaheb Phalke: 

Father Of Detective Story -:- Edgar Allen Poe

Father Of Immunology -:- Edward Jenner

Father Of The Hydrogen Bomb -:- Edward Teller

Father Of Nuclear Physics -:- Ernest Rutherford

Father Of Geometry -:- Euclid (300 B.C.) Greece

Father Of English Poetry -:- Geoffrey Chaucer(1340-1400) England

Father Of Railways -:- George Stephenson

Father Of The United States Of America -:- George Washington

Father Of The Novel -:- Giovanni Baccaccio

Father Of Genetics -:- Gregor Mendel

Father Of Modern Drama -:- Henrik J. Ibsen

Father Of History -:- Herodotus (484-424 B.C.) Greece

Father Of Medicine -:- Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.) Greece

Father Of Indian Nuclear Science -:- Homi J. Bhabha: 

Father Of Modern Astronomy, Of Modern Science And Of Modern Mathematics -:- Isaac Newton

Father Of The Atomic Bomb -:- J. Robert Oppenheimer

Father Of Civil Aviation In India -:- J.R.D. Tata: 

Father Of Indian Industry -:- Jamshedji Tata: 

Father Of Sunday Newspapers -:- John Bel

Father Of States' Rights; Onslow -:- John C. Calhoun

Father Of Basketball -:- John Naismith

Father Of Soda Pop; Father Of Modern Chemistry -:- Joseph Priestley: 

Father Of The Nation Of Afghanistan -:- King Mohammed Zahir Shah

Father Of Bacteriology, Of Stereochemistry And Of Microbiology -:- Louis Pasteur

Father Of The Nation Of India And Of Non-Violence -:- Mahatma Gandhi

Father Of Modern Painting In India -:- Nandlal Base: 

Father Of Numbers -:- Pythagoras

Father Of Indian Renaissance -:- Raja Rammohan Roy: 

Father Of Chemistry -:- Robert Boyle (1627-1691) Ireland

Father Of The Zip Code -:- Robert Moon

Father Of Indian Cardiology -:- Rustom Jal Vakil

Father Of Library Science In India -:- S. R. Ranganathan

Father Of American Revolution -:- Sam Adams

Father Of Texas -:- Sam Houston

Father Of Aviation -:- Sir George Cayley

Father Of The Revolution And The Nation Of The Republic Of China -:- Sun Yat-Sen

Father Of Modern Plastic Surgery -:- Susruta: 

Father Of Modern Tourism -:- Thomas Cook: 

Father Of English Printing -:- William Caxton

Fathers Of Aviation -:- Wright Brothers

Father Of E-Mail -:- Ray Tomlinson

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