Saturday, 23 November 2013

Imp GK Questions for SSC & UPSC Exams

1. Who wrote the song "Sare jahan se acha" ?
Answer: Muhammad Iqbal
2. Who give music to the song "Sare jahan se acha" ?
Answer: Pandit Ravi Shankar
3. Which is the worlds oldest news agency ?
Answer: AFP (Agence France Presse)
4. What is the chemical name of Tear Gas ?
Answer: Chloroacetophenone
5. Which is the only hobby recognized by the United Nations ?
Answer: Ham Radio
6. What is the national flower of Pakistan ?
Answer: Jasmine
7. What is the scientific name of Cockroach ?
Answer: Periplaneta americana
8. What is the unit of luminous intensity ?
Answer: Candela
9. Who is the winner of 2012 Us open men's title ?
Answer: Andy Murray
10. Who is the winner of 2012 Us open women's title ?
Answer: Serena Williams
11. Which famous writer is known as Father of Snow Golf ?
Answer: Rudyard Kipling
12. How many Schedules are there in the Indian Constitution ?
Answer: 12
13. Which planet is known as Red planet ?
Answer: Mars
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14. Which European countries are separated by Market Reef ?
Answer: Finland and Sweden
15. Who is the author of Panchtantra ?
Answer: Vishnu Sharma
16. Which is the coldest planet in solar system ?
Answer: Neptune
17. The Rourkela Steel Plant in Odisha was built with the collaboration of _____ ?
Answer: Germany
18. The Durgapur Steel Plant in West Bengal was built with the collaboration of _____ ?
Answer: Britain
19. The Bhilai Steel Plant in Chattisgarh was built with the collaboration of _____ ?
Answer: Russia
20. Who is the first and only Muslim lady ever to rule the throne of Delhi ?
Answer: Razia Sultana

Friday, 15 November 2013

Important Recent Appointment

Important Recent Appointments Oct-
1) Usha Ananthasubramanian: As the
chairperson and managing director of
sector Bharatiya Mahila Bank on 12
2) Justice R. Banumathi: As the Chief
Justice of
the Jharkhand High Court on 12
3) Ratan P Watal: As the Secretary of
Department of Expenditure in the Union
Ministry of Finance.
4) Parvinder Sohi Behuria: As the
General of National Human Rights
5) Imomali Rakhmon: Re-elected as the
President of Tajikistan.
6) Bharat Suresh Joshi: As British Deputy
Commissioner in Chennai on 31 October
7) Subhas Goswami: As the Director
General of
Indo Tibetan Boarder Police(ITBP). Earlier
was director of the Sardar Vallabhbhai
National Police Academy.
P.S. Raghvan: As the next Ambassador of
India to Russia.
9) Tarun Chatarjee: As Chairman of the
Pradesh State Human Rights Commission.
10) Justice Laxmikanta Mahapatra: Sworn
in as
Chief Justice of the Manipur High Court
on 21
October 2013.
11) Rajendra Kashyap: As the Financial
Commissioner (Railways) and ex-officio
to the Government of India on 21 October
12) Gireesh B. Pradhan: As the
Chairperson of
the Central Electricity Regulatory
13) Sigrid Kaag: As head of the joint
mission of
the Organisation for the Prohibition of
Weapons and the United Nations.

Also Read:-Solve IBPS PO Paper

14) Syed Ibne Abbas: New Pakistani
envoy to
15) Janet L. Yellen: Nominated by US
Barack Obama as the new head of the
Reserve Board.
16) Arundhati Bhattacharya: Took over
as the
Chairperson of SBI. She is the first
woman to
take charge as the Chairperson of SBI.
17) S. Varadarajan: Took over charge as
chairman and managing director (CMD)
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
18) Ranjan Mathai: India's High
Commissioner to
the United Kingdom.

Also Read:-One word Substitution

Tuesday, 12 November 2013


@@@ - IMP One Word Substitution - @@@

1. One who is out to subvert a government 
2. One who is recovering from illness 
3. One who is all powerful - Omnipotent
4. One who is present everywhere 
- Omnipresent
5. One who knows everything - Omniscient
6. One who is easily deceived - Gullible
7. One who does not make mistakes
- Infallible
8. One who can do anything for money
- Mercenary
9. One who has no money - Pauper
10. One who changes sides - Turncoat
11. One who works for free - Volunteer
12. One who loves books - Bibliophile
13. One who can speak two languages
- Bilingual

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FAQ about ISRO

14. One who loves mankind - Philanthropist
15. One who hates mankind - Misanthrope
16. One who looks on the bright side of things - Optimist
17. One who looks on the dark side of things - Pessimist
18. One who doubts the existence of god
- Agnostic
19. One who pretends to be what he is not
- Hypocrite
20. One incapable of being tired
- Indefatigable
21. One who helps others Good - Samaritan
22. One who copies from other writers
- Plagiarist
23. One who hates women - Misogynist
24. One who knows many languages
- Polyglot
25. One who is fond of sensuous pleasures - Epicure
26. One who thinks only of himself - Egoist
27. One who thinks only of welfare of women - Feminist.
28. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain - Stoic
29. One who is quite like a woman
- Effeminate
30. One who has strange habits - Eccentric
31. One who speaks less - Reticent
32. One who goes on foot - Pedestrian
33. One who believes in fate - Fatalist
34. One who dies without a Will - Intestate
35. One who always thinks himself to be ill
- Valetudinarian
36. A Government by the people
- Democracy
37. A Government by a king or queen - Monarchy
38. A Government by the officials
- Bureaucracy
39. A Government by the rich - Plutocracy
40. A Government by the few - Oligarchy
41. A Government by the Nobles - Aristocracy
42. A Government by one - Autocracy
43. Rule by the mob - Mobocracy
44. That through which light can pass
45. That through which light cannot pass - Opaque
46. That through which light can partly pass - Translucent
47. A sentence whose meaning is unclear -
48. A place where orphans live - Orphanage
49. That which cannot be described - Indescribable

Also Check--SOLVED IBPS PO 09 NOV 2013 GA Questions (Morning Sesssion)

50. That which cannot be imitated - Inimitable
51. That which cannot be avoided - Inevitable
52. A position for which no salary is paid -
53. That which cannot be defended - Indefensible
54. Practice of having several wives - Polygamy
55. Practice of having several husbands -
56. Practice of having one wife or husband - Monogamy
57. Practice of having two wives or husbands - Bigamy
58. That which is not likely to happen - Improbable
59. People living at the same time -
60. A book published after the death of its author - Posthumas
61. A book written by an unknown author -
62. A life history written by oneself -
63. A life history written by somebody else -
64. People who work together - Colleagues
65. One who eats too much - Glutton
66. That which cannot be satisfied - Insatiable
67. One who questions everything - Cynic
68. A flesh eating animal - Carnivorous
69. A grass eating animal - Herbivorous
70. One who lives in a foreign country - Immigrant
71. To transfer one's authority to another -
72. One who is a newcomer - Neophyte
73. That which is lawful - Legal
74. That which is against law - Illegal
75. One who is unmarried - Celibate
76. A game in which no one wins - Draw
77. A study of man - Anthropology
78. A study of races - Ethnology
79. A study of the body - Physiology
80. A study of animals - Zoology
81. A study of birds - Ornithology
82. A study of ancient things - Archaeology
83. A study of derivation of words - Etymology
84. Murder of a human being - Homicide
85. Murder of a father - Patricide
86. Murder of a mother - Matricide
87. Murder of an brother - Fratricide
88. Murder of an infant - Infanticide
89. Murder of self - Suicide
90. Murder of the king - Regicide
91. To free somebody from all blame - Exonerate
92. To write under a different name - Pseudonym
93. A thing no longer in use - Obsolete
94. A handwriting that cannot be read - Illegible
95. Words written on the tomb of a person -
96. One who is greedy for money - Avaricious
97. Something that cannot be imitated - Inimitable
98. One who doesn't know how to read and write - Illiterate
99. A person's peculiar habit - Idiosyncrasy
100. An animal who preys on other animals -Predator
101. Violating the sanctity of a church
- Sacrilege
102. One who can throw his voice
- Ventriloquist.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

SOLVED IBPS PO 09 NOV 2013 GA Questions (Morning Sesssion)

1. What is the name of the rocket recently launched by Japan?
- Epsilon

2. APJ Abdul Kalam’s book name?
- Transforming Dreams in Actions.

3. Who won “pride of nation award”
- . John Abraham

4. Upper limit for RTGS?
- No limi

5. Which bank has head office at Delhi? 
- Oriental bank of Commerce

6. Savings account interest is calculated on?
-Daily basis

7. 2 questns about SEBI

8. Nobel prize winners of economics researched on which topic?
- for their empirical analysis of asset prices=

9. ICDS Full form
-Integrated Child Development Service.

10. In India all the roads are going to be connected by which scheme? 
- Golden Quadrilateral

11. One questn about NEFT.

12. Name the method to transfer money between banks by overnight.

13. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation university will be set up at?
-Rae baereli.

14. IMF Function.
- Providing short terms credit to member countries for meeting temporary difficulties due to adverse balance of payments

15. What is Demat account
-Shares in electronic form.

16. Asian Development bank reduced india’s GDP to?
- 4.7%

17. RBI’S treasury bill tenure .
- 91 days, 182 days, 364 days

18. Education loan upper limit in priority sector? 
- 10 lakh for studies in India and `20 lakh for studies abroad are included under priority sector.

Also Read -

Interesting Fact About desert in Hindi
19. One question about SME industry loan.

20. Facilty for financial transaction via facebook has been offered by which bank?- ICICI Bank

21. Non Financial Companies minimum limit to set up ATM?
- Rs 100 crore as per the latest financial year’s audited balance sheet

22. Maximum loan limit by MSME to Medium Enterprises

23. Amitabh Bachchan’s message to the world? 
- The World Needs More

24. Angela Markal elected 3rd time for which country?
- Germany

25. Ashok Vemuri is CEO of which company?
- IGate

26. Ruchira Kamboj is the Ambassador for? 
- UNESCO-Paris

27. Asia Cup-Hockey – South Korea beats India

28. Who won Bronze in World Junior chess championship - Abhijit Gupta

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Imp Organizations and Their headquartes.

Friday, 8 November 2013


What is the full form of ISRO ?

ISRO Stands for Indian Space Research Organisation

2.Who is considered as the "founding father" of Indian Space Programme?

Dr Vikram A Sarabhai is considered as the founding father of space programmes in India.

3.When was ISRO formed?

ISRO was formed on August 15, 1969.

4.When was Department of Space constituted?

Department of Space (DOS) and the Space Commission were set up in 1972. ISRO was brought under DOS on June1, 1972.

5.What is the main objective of ISRO?

The prime objective of ISRO is to develop space technology and its application to various national needs.

6.How these Objectives are met?

ISRO has established two major space systems, INSAT for communication, television broadcasting and meteorological services, and Indian Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS) system for resources monitoring and management. ISRO has developed two satellite launch vehicles, PSLV and GSLV, to place INSAT and IRS satellites in the required orbits.

7.Where the Satellites are made?

Satellites are made at ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bangalore.

8.Where the Rockets / Launch Vehicles are made?

Rockets / Launch Vehicles are made at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvanathapuram.

9.From where are the rockets launched?

ISRO's Launch facility is located at SDSC SHAR from where Launch Vehicles and Sounding Rockets are launched. Sounding rockets are also launched from TERLS at Thiruvananthapuram.

10.How can I order for Satellite data?

You can get data from National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad. Visit the for more details.

11.Where the Space Programme began in India?

Indian Space Programme began at Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) located at Thumba near Thiruvanathapuram.

12.Why was Thumba selected for being the rocket launching station?

The geomagnetic equator of the earth passes over Thumba.

13.What is a sounding rocket?
A sounding rocket is a rocket, which is intended for assessing the physical parameters of the upper atmosphere.

14.What does the letter 'RH' and the numerals on an Indian sounding rocket signify?
RH stands for 'Rohini' sounding rocket and the numeral indicate the diameter of the rocket in mm.

15.When was the first rocket launched in India? Which was the rocket?

The first rocket, a Nike-Apache, procured from the US, was launched on November 21, 1963.

16.When did India begin developing its own rockets?
India’s first indigenous sounding rocket, RH-75, was launched on November 20, 1967.

17. What is the expansion of VSSC and when it was formed?

Space Science and Technology Centre (SSTC) was renamed as Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) in 1972 in honor of Dr Vikram Sarabahi who met with his untimely demise on December 30, 1971.

18. How many Centres are there in ISRO?

There are six major Centres and several other Units, Agencies, Facilities and Laboratories spread across the country.

19.Where are these Centres located?

Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram; ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bangalore; Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC – SHAR) at Sriharikota; Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) at Thiruvananthapuram, Bangalore and Mahendragiri, Space Application Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad and National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad.

20 What is the major function of these Centres?
Launch Vehicles are build at VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram; Satellites are designed and developed at ISAC, Bangalore; Integration and launching of satellites and launch vehicles are carried out from SDSC, Shriharikota; Development of liquid stages including cryogenic stage is carried out at LPSC, Sensors for Communication and Remote Sensing satellites and application aspects of the space technology are taken up at SAC, Ahmedabad and Remote Sensing satellite data reception processing and dissemination by NRSC, Hyderabad.

21. Which is the first launch vehicle of India?

Satellite Launch Vehicle-3 (SLV-3) is the first launch vehicle of India.

22.When was it launched?

The first successful launch of SLV-3 took place on July 18, 1980 from SDSC SHAR.

23- What are the other launch vehicles developed by India?

Apart from SLV-3, India developed Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV), Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV).

24. How satellites are broadly classified?

Satellites are broadly classified into two, viz., Communication satellites and Remote Sensing satellites.

25.What is a communication satellite?

A communication satellite usually operates from the Geosynchronous orbit catering to requirements in communication, television broadcasting, meteorology, disaster warning etc.

26. What is a Remote Sensing satellite?

A Remote Sensing satellite is intended for natural resource monitoring and management and operates from a Sun Synchronous Polar Orbit (SSPO).

27. What is NNRMS?
NNRMS is the acronym for National Natural Resources Management System. NNRMS is an integrated resources management system aimed at optimal utilisation of the natural resources of the country by proper and systematic inventory of resource availability using Remote Sensing data in conjunction with conventional techniques.

28. Which is the first Indian satellite?

 Aryabhata is the first Indian satellite

29. From where was it launched?

It was launched from the former Soviet Union on April 19, 1975.

30. Which is the heaviest satellite launched by India from Indian soil?

INSAT-4CR weighing 2130 kg and launched by GSLV-F04 on September 2, 2007 is the heaviest satellite launched from India.

31 How many launches of launch vehicles were carried out so far?

38 launch vehicle missions were carried from India so far (till March 2013).

32. How many satellites have been launched by India?

68 + 35 (foreign) satellites were put into orbit so far (till March 2013).

33.Which is the first operational launch vehicle of India?

PSLV is the first operational launch vehicle of India. It had so far three developmental flights and nineteen operational flights - 21 continuously successful flights.

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fact about desert-

34 What is Chandrayaan-1?

Chandrayaan-1 is a scientific investigation – by spacecraft – of the Moon. The name Chandrayaan means “Chandra- Moon, Yaan-vehicle”, –in Indian languages (Sanskrit and Hindi) , – the lunar spacecraft. Chandrayaan-1 is the first Indian planetary science and exploration mission.

35 When, and from where, Chandrayaan-1 was launched?

Chandrayaan-1 was launched on October 22, 2008 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota (SHAR), India.

36.- How long Chandrayaan-1 was operational?

Chandrayaan-1 was operational for 312 days till August 28, 2009.

37What are Chandrayaan's scientific goals?
The Chandrayaan-1 mission is aimed at high-resolution Remote Sensing of the Lunar surface in visible, near Infrared, low energy X-rays and high-energy X-ray regions. Specific scientific goals are:

38.To prepare a three-dimensional atlas (with a high spatial and altitude resolution of 5-10 m) of both near and far side of the moon.
To conduct chemical and mineralogical mapping of the entire lunar surface for distribution of mineral and chemical elements such as Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Calcium, Iron and Titanium as well as high atomic number elements such as Radon, Uranium & Thorium with high spatial resolution.

39 By simultaneous photo geological and chemical mapping, we will be able to identify different geological units, which will test the hypothesis for the origin and early evolutionary history of the moon and help in determining the nature of the lunar crust.

40 What are the scientific instruments onboard Chandrayaan-1?

There are eleven scientific instruments onboard Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. Five of them are Indian and other six are from ESA (3), NASA (2) and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1) selected through ISRO Announcement of Opportunity (AO). Two of the ESA instruments have Indian collaboration.

41 What is the temperature on the moon?

The moon undergoes extremes in temperature - the side of the Moon receiving sunlight becomes scorching hot at about 130 ºC, and freezing cold at -180 ºC during night.

42 Is there any Life on moon?

So far none of the lunar missions have detected any signature of presence of life on the Moon.

43 Why do we see only one side of the Moon?

As the Moon orbits, it always presents the same side towards the Earth. This is so because Earth's gravity has slowed the Moon's rotation so that it just matches the time it takes to go around the Earth. So the Moon takes the same amount of time to revolve around the Earth as it takes to rotate around its spin axis.

44 What is the total budget for realising Chandrayaan-1 mission?

The budgetary estimate for realising the proposed Indian lunar mission Chandrayaan-1 stands at Rs. 386.00 crores (about $76 million). This includes Rs. 53.00 crores (about $11 million) for Payload development, Rs. 83.00 crores (about $17 million) for Spacecraft Bus, Rs. 100.00 crores ($20 million) towards establishment of Deep Space Network, Rs. 100.00 crores ($20 million) for PSLV launch vehicle and Rs. 50.00 crores ($10 million) for scientific data centre, external network support and programme management expenses.

45 What is Antrix?

Antrix is the commercial wing of ISRO, a single window agency for marketing Indian space capabilities both products and services to the world.

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प्रमुख अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सीमा रेखाएँ

1. डुरण्ड रेखा – यह पाकिस्तानन और अफगानिस्तान के बीच की सीमा रेखा है। पाकिस्तान बनने के पहले यह भारत और अफगानिस्तान के बीच की सीमा रेखा थी। इसका निर्धारण मोटिमर डुरण्ड (Mortimer Durand) के द्वारा सन् 1896 में किया गया था।

2. मैकमोहन रेखा – यह भारत और चीन के मध्य सीमा रेखा है। इसका निर्धारण सन् 1914 में हेनरी मैकमोहन (Henry Mcmohan) ने भारत-चीन सीमा के एक समझौते के अन्तर्गत् किया था। यह 700 मील लम्बी रेखा है।

3. रेडक्लिफ रेखा – भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच की सीमा सीमा रेखा रेडक्लिफ रेखा कहलाती है। इस रेखा का निर्धारण 15 अगस्त 1947 को रेडक्लिफ द्वारा किया गया था।

The enough misery stamps before a star bankrupt.
4. हिन्डबर्ग रेखा – जर्मनी और -पोलैण्ड के मध्य सीमा निधारण करने वाली रेखा

5. मैनरही रेखा – रूस और फिनलैण्ड के बीच सीमा रेखा ।

6. मैगनीट रेखा -फ्रांस द्वारा खींची गयी जर्मनी और फ्रांस के बीच की सीमा रेखा।

7. 17वीं समानान्तर रेखा – उत्तरी और दक्षिणी वियतनाम की सीमा रेखा।

8. 24वीं समानान्तर रेखा – इस रेखा को पाकिस्तान भारत-पाकिस्तान की सीमा रेखा मानता है किन्तु भारत इसे अस्वीकार करता है।

9. 38 वीं समानान्तर रेखा – उत्तरी और दक्षिण कोरिया के मध्य की सीमा रेखा।

10. 49 वीं समानान्तर रेखा – संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका एवं कनाडा की सीमा रेखा।

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रेगिस्तान के तथ्य

1. संपूर्ण पृथ्वी के इतिहास में रेगिस्तान की उपस्थिति सदैव रही है।

2. वैज्ञानिकों के अनुसार रेगिस्तान वह क्षेत्र हैं जहां वार्षिक वर्षा 250 मि.मी. से कम होती है।

3. विश्व में वर्षा की सर्वाधिक अनियमितता रेगिस्तानों में ही देखी गई है।

4. रेगिस्तान धरती के विशाल क्षेत्र में विस्तारित है। महासागरों के पश्चात् रेगिस्तान धरती के सबसे बड़े पर्यावरण तंत्र हैं। पृथ्वी की लगभग एक-तिहाई भूमि रेगिस्तानों से घिरी है।

5. अधिकांश रेगिस्तान कर्क रेखा व मकर रेखा के निकटवर्ती क्षेत्रों में स्थित हैं। यह स्थान दोनों अक्षांशों पर भूमध्य रेखा से 300 पर स्थित हैं।

6. रेगिस्तान अस्थायी हैं जो सिकुड़ते व विस्तारित भी होते रहते हैं।

7. विश्व की कुल रेगिस्तानी भूमि में से केवल 15 से 20 प्रतिशत भाग पूरी तरह रेत से ढका है।

8. करीब 56,000 वर्ग किलोमीटर क्षेत्र में फैला अरेबिया का रब आल खाली रेगिस्तान सबसे बड़ा रेतीला सागर है।

9. रेगिस्तान में रात्रि तथा दिन के तापमान में काफी अंतर होता है।

10. सहारा रेगिस्तान संसार के सभी रेगिस्तानों में सबसे बड़ा है।

11. विश्व में सहारा रेगिस्तान रेत का सबसे बड़ा स्रोत है। यहां एक वर्ष में 6 से 20 करोड़ टन रेत का उत्पादन होता है।

12. अटाकामा संसार का सबसे शुष्क क्षेत्र है।

13. सेगुआरो नागफनी संसार के रेगिस्तानों में पाये जाने वाला सबसे विशाल पौधा होता है।

14. ऊंट को रेगिस्तान का जहाज कहते हैं।

15. रेगिस्तान स्तनधारी पशुओं सहित अनेक प्रजातियों के जीवों का आवास स्थल हैं।

16. नामीब रेगिस्तान में बारहमासी घास (स्टिपेग्रोस्टिस गोनाटोस्टेचीज) कम से कम जल की उपलब्धता (10 मि.मी.) में भी भली प्रकार पनप सकती है।

17. विश्व की 13 प्रतिशत जनसंख्या रेगिस्तानों में निवास करती है।

18. एक गहरा चमकीला धब्बा जो लंबी समयावधि के बाद रेगिस्तानी चट्टानों पर पाया जाता है, वह रेगिस्तानी या चट्टानी वर्निश कहलाता है। वर्निश के निर्माण के कारणों में मैंगनीज, लोहे के ऑक्साइड, हाइड्रोक्साइड और चिकनी मिट्टी में पाए जाने वाले खनिज प्रमुख हैं।

19. हवा के द्वारा केवल स्थूल बजरी को छोड़कर अन्य महीन रेत कणों को हटाने से कुट्टिम (पेवमेंट) का निर्माण होता है।