Sunday, 10 November 2013

SOLVED IBPS PO 09 NOV 2013 GA Questions (Morning Sesssion)

1. What is the name of the rocket recently launched by Japan?
- Epsilon

2. APJ Abdul Kalam’s book name?
- Transforming Dreams in Actions.

3. Who won “pride of nation award”
- . John Abraham

4. Upper limit for RTGS?
- No limi

5. Which bank has head office at Delhi? 
- Oriental bank of Commerce

6. Savings account interest is calculated on?
-Daily basis

7. 2 questns about SEBI

8. Nobel prize winners of economics researched on which topic?
- for their empirical analysis of asset prices=

9. ICDS Full form
-Integrated Child Development Service.

10. In India all the roads are going to be connected by which scheme? 
- Golden Quadrilateral

11. One questn about NEFT.

12. Name the method to transfer money between banks by overnight.

13. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation university will be set up at?
-Rae baereli.

14. IMF Function.
- Providing short terms credit to member countries for meeting temporary difficulties due to adverse balance of payments

15. What is Demat account
-Shares in electronic form.

16. Asian Development bank reduced india’s GDP to?
- 4.7%

17. RBI’S treasury bill tenure .
- 91 days, 182 days, 364 days

18. Education loan upper limit in priority sector? 
- 10 lakh for studies in India and `20 lakh for studies abroad are included under priority sector.

Also Read -

Interesting Fact About desert in Hindi
19. One question about SME industry loan.

20. Facilty for financial transaction via facebook has been offered by which bank?- ICICI Bank

21. Non Financial Companies minimum limit to set up ATM?
- Rs 100 crore as per the latest financial year’s audited balance sheet

22. Maximum loan limit by MSME to Medium Enterprises

23. Amitabh Bachchan’s message to the world? 
- The World Needs More

24. Angela Markal elected 3rd time for which country?
- Germany

25. Ashok Vemuri is CEO of which company?
- IGate

26. Ruchira Kamboj is the Ambassador for? 
- UNESCO-Paris

27. Asia Cup-Hockey – South Korea beats India

28. Who won Bronze in World Junior chess championship - Abhijit Gupta

Also read-
Imp Organizations and Their headquartes.

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