सोडियम बाइकार्बोनेट (NAHCO3) होता है?
अ. कास्टिक सोडा
ब. खाने का सोडा
स. धोने का सोडा
द. साधारण नमक
ANS-ब. खाने का सोडा
Who initiated the Guinness Book of World Records?
(A) Sir Hugh Beaver, (B) Benjamin Franklin, (C) Edmond Brown, (D) Joel Waul
ANS-(A) Sir Hugh Beaver
.Which organization did Craig Kielburger found for children when he was only 12 years old?
(A) CRY, (B) SMILE, (C) UNICEF, (D) Free The Children
ANS-(D) Free The Children
Which one of the following is called as
Golden Fibre?
a) Cotton
b) Rayon
c) Nylon
d) Jute
ANS-d) Jute
EXPL- Jute is a golden fibre. And its colour is only one of the reasons for the well-deserved name.
The golden fibre, for a quite long time had helped to earn many Bangladeshi’s livelihood and brought smiles in their faces.
Jute being annually renewable and bio degradable, it plays a very important role in environment protection.
It is a natural vegetable fibre which merges with soil and does not emit toxic fumes or residue on combustion.
It is one of the cheapest, strongest and most versatile of all natural fibres and considered as fibre of the future.
Its silky texture, high tensile strength and resistance to heat and fire makes it suitable for use in industries as varied as fashion, travel and luggage, furnishings, carpets and floor covering, decoratives, textiles and made-ups.
. चन्द्रमा पर किसी वस्तु का भार पृथ्वी पर भार के कितने भाग के बराबर होता है ?
A. 1/6
B. 1/2
C. 1/3
D. 1/4
ANS- A. 1/6
Which one of the following states is the
largest producer of lignite coal?
a) Maharashtra
b) Tamil Nadu
c) Gujarat
d) Madhya Pradesh
ANS-b) Tamil Nadu
german silver is the main alloy of
Which among the following tries was signed after Battle of Buxar?
[A]Treaty of Allahabad
[B]Treaty of Carnatic
[C]Treaty of Alinagar
[D]Treaty of Kanpur
ANS-[A]Treaty of Allahabad
solder is an alloy of
1.tin and copper
2.tin and lead
3.lead and copper
4.copper and aluminium
ANS-2.tin and lead
संसदीय चुनावों में मत देने का अधिकार कैसा अधिकार हैं?
A. मौलिक अधिकार
B. संविधानिक अधिकार
C. कानूनी अधिकार
D. नैसर्गिक अधिकार
ANS-C. कानूनी अधिकार
अश्रु गैस कौन-सी गैस होती है ?
A. क्लोरीन
B. कार्बन डाइआक्साइड
C. अमोनिया
D. हाइड्रोजन सल्फाइड
ANS-C. अमोनिया
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